Victory Belles Wikia

So you want to add a Belle. Use the above box to make sure she doesn't already have a page (if she does, you'll just be redirected to edit it), and/or check Belles in Need of Pages.

If for some reason she's not on that page (copy-paste the Belle's name), remember the guidelines for Belle pages ("Mississippi" not "USS Mississippi BB-41").

This is also a task not suited to mobile devices--use a computer!

  1. Either use the Create boxes...
  2. Enter a Belle name into one of the Create boxes (either here or on the wiki homepage).
  3. Click Create page.
  4. You'll receive this.
  5. ...or attempt to add a page other ways. These include the Add new page dialogue and trying to navigate to a red link.
    Add new page
  6. Switch to Source Editor if you aren't already using it; this guide is only for the Source Editor (which drastically reduces frustration with alignments among other things).
  7. If you didn't use the Create box (which loaded the template for you), scroll to the bottom and select "Belle Main Page" from the Preload template menu.
    Curr preload template
  8. The guide will now reference <!-- Comments --> left in the preloaded BellePage template.
  9. Part A: Leave this alone for now, you may come back to it later depending on how much you are able to fill in.
  10. Part B: Fill in the commented fields.
    type=Belle type. Examples: Destroyer. Do not use abbreviations such as DD.
    class=Belle class. Example: Fubuki, usually the first ship of the class (but not always). Do not include the word "class" after.
    nation=Belle's nation. Example: United States. Do not use abbreviations or demonyms (like "United States" becomes "American").
    voice_actress=Voice of the Belle if known. If she has a voice but the actress is not known, the default Unknown option is the preferred designation. If the Belle is not voiced at time of article creation, use "None."
    image1=See this tutorial. Don't worry about trying to put size commands here, the infobox will handle it. Watch casing--Fandom/Wikimedia doesn't treat ".jpg" the same as ".JPG"
  11. Part C: Fill in the sentence. Name, nation, when available (at launch/1939, Kickstarter backers only, etc.)
  12. Part D: If you have any information about her gameplay, here's the place to put it.
  13. Part E: Commentary on her starting/stock equipment (somewhat subjective, but try to avoid exaggeration). An example of a succinct review of a Belle's gameplay in this section is Moskva.
  14. Part F: This template stays unless you also begin to fill out the detail page for the Belle whose page you're writing.
  15. Part G: Information about the Belle's personality, character, etc. Do not inject personal opinions into this section! If another Belle has thoughts on her in-game, if she showed up on the Kickstarter, or if the player's character can react to a Belle's personality in-game during the story missions, this also counts. The most basic is to include the blurb for her story in-game.
  16. Part H: Trivia about both the Belle and the historical ship. This is the place to link to the historical ship's Wikipedia page, veterans' association, museum page, etc. Just don't make ugly links! Also don't place the trivia bit from the game here either--that goes on the Belle Detail Page.
  17. Part I: If you need to reference anything like a Kickstarter article or in-game mission, this is the place to log it. If you have questions about how the citation process works, read the MediaWiki documentation.
  18. Part J: Now set the Categories for your page. First, uncomment (delete the <!-- and -->) the "[[Category:Belles]]" text so your new page will land in the Belles category. On the next line, add a Nation category from the list. Add a ship class category from that same list.
  19. Part J, Extended
    • If your page has no image, add the No Image category.
    • If your Belle is voiced, add the Voiced Belles category.
    • If your Belle is silent, instead add the Unvoiced Belles category.
  20. Back to Before, F: If you also fill in the Belle Details Page (guide here), replace {{NoBelleDetailsPage}} with {{DetailsPageBox}}.
  21. Back to Before, A: If your page meets the criteria for a Standard Article, you can delete the Part A {{PageUnderConstructionBox}}.
  22. Remove her from Belles in Need of Pages if she's listed there. Use "What Links Here" on your new Belle page to quickly determine if that is the case.
  23. Congratulations on your addition to the wiki!